Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Icefields Parkway

Will update more later....

Jasper - Jonas Creek 22/7/08 77km
Black bear + baby wondered past the campsite

Jonas Creek - Waterfowl Lake 23/7/08 100km
A biggish climb to Sunwapta Pass, even used the granny ring, but superb views. Well, everywhere you look is awesome to be honest.
Black bear

Waterfowl Lake - Lake Louise 24/7/08 70km
One climb up to Bow pass (great view of Peyto Lake) but mostly down hill.

Lake Louise - Banff 25/7/08 60km
Hot, easy, down-dulating day. A really sweet ride as mostly downhill, in fact the biggest hill was to the campsite at Banff. Took the Bow Valley route which was really quite, mostly tree lined and just great riding.
5x Mountain goats as entered Banff.

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